“Reflections on 2023: Balancing Hustle and Self-Care in the Unknown ”

As I reflect on the past year, 2023 stands out as a collage of memories, each imprinting its unique mark on my professional and personal journey.

As I reflect on the past year, 2023 stands out as a collage of memories, each imprinting its unique mark on my professional and personal journey. The year unfolded with a rich tapestry of experiences, blending moments of joy, growth, challenges, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery. To the point in which I felt like I was having an existential crisis.

Among the significant milestones was the celebration of love through marriage to my best friend, marking the commencement of a new chapter filled with shared dreams and companionship. Simultaneously, I also made the audacious decision to step away from private practice, embracing uncharted territories and the uncertainties that lay ahead with going full-time within my mental health consulting firm.

Adventures became the backdrop of the year, pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone and offering profound lessons in the process. Whether in personal or professional realms, these experiences became pivotal in unraveling new perspectives and propelling me to unexplored heights.

Despite the celebration of love and personal growth, 2023 was also a continuation of my grieving process. The rhythm of life carried me through the complexities of loss, allowing me to confront grief while concurrently recognizing my own strengths and resilience.

Gratitude and grace fill my heart as I look back on 2023 and everything it had in store for me. Although the unknowns of 2024 loom ahead, there’s a sense of excitement about the possibilities that await. Being part of the psychedelic community has imparted a profound lesson – to embrace the unknown. It taught me that fear and courage can coexist, creating a harmonious dance in the face of uncertainty.

This past year was a testament to what can manifest when hard work becomes the motivating force – a testament to the hustler’s ambition. And while the drive to achieve is commendable, it also serves as a reminder to balance ambition with self-care and preservation. In navigating the hustle of life, finding equilibrium ensures a sustainable and fulfilling journey.

As I step into the unknown territories of 2024, I carry with me the lessons learned in 2023 – a year of growth, love, loss, and the beautiful dance between fear and courage.

With gratitude,


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