Labor Day Weekend Reflections: The Healing Power of Community with Phenomenal Black Women

As Labor Day weekend came to a close a couple of weeks ago, I found myself reflecting on the profound experiences I shared with my girlfriends during this special time.

As Labor Day weekend came to a close a couple of weeks ago, I found myself reflecting on the profound experiences I shared with my girlfriends during this special time. It struck me that being in community is, indeed, a form of medicine for the soul, a source of light in the darkness, and a reminder of the incredible strength and beauty of Black sisterhood.

Growing up as an only child, I often missed out on the dynamics and camaraderie that come with siblings. The past Labor Day weekend, however, I had the privilege of experiencing the immense healing power that being in a community with other phenomenal Black women can bring.

As we gathered together, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity to connect with women who share not only my cultural background but also the shared experiences, joys, and challenges that come with it. Gratitude for the laughter, the tears, and the conversations that spanned from the mundane to the deeply profound.

In this integrative process, I found a space where I could continue exploring my relationships with other Black women. It’s a journey that has its share of scars, as I’ve been both hurt by and hurt other Black women in my own journey. I’ve come to understand that much of this hurt can be traced back to the insidious influence of white supremacy and my own insecurities including trauma and neglect.

In my professional career, I’ve dedicated myself to helping other Black and Brown women heal, to find their voices, and to reclaim their power. It’s been a rewarding and sometimes challenging path, but it’s essential work. Yet, amidst the healing work I’ve done for others, I’ve sometimes neglected to apply the same principles to myself.

The past Labor Day weekend, however, was a reminder that it’s equally vital for us to honor and nurture one another within our own community. We must provide the same love, understanding, grace, compassion, and support that we so readily offer to those we serve professionally. It’s reciprocity, a mutual exchange of healing and growth.

As we celebrated together, I had the privilege of providing that support, but I also gave myself permission to receive it in abundance. We shared stories, wisdom, and love, reaffirming the strength that lies within our collective sisterhood.

So, as Labor Day weekend faded into memory, I hold onto the lessons learned and the love shared. I carry with me the reminder that being in community with phenomenal Black women is a profound act of self-care and healing. It’s a testament to the resilience and beauty of our shared experiences, and a reminder that we are stronger together.

In the spirit of unity, let us continue to uplift and honor each other, both personally and professionally, and recognize that the healing journey is one we walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, with our sisters by our side.

With gratitude,


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