Celebrating My Husband’s Unexpected Journey to the Pulpit

Three years ago, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life. It all began on a dating website, of all places – Bumble, to be exact. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary encounter would lead me to the love of my life and a path I never expected to walk down.

Three years ago, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life. It all began on a dating website, of all places – Bumble, to be exact. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary encounter would lead me to the love of my life and a path I never expected to walk down. You see, my husband is a pastor, and celebrating his ordination service a few weeks back was a remarkable moment in both of our lives.

When we first connected on that dating app, I had no intentions or plans of marrying a pastor. In fact, I vividly remember dissociating myself from the idea of marrying a pastor when looking at his profile. Imagine my surprise when he mentioned over the phone that he was indeed a pastor lol. My initial reaction was disbelief. I grew up in the church and, like many, had preconceived ideas about pastors and their lives.

But as my husband continued to court me, he showed me the importance of his relationship with Christ not through words, but through his actions. His genuine faith, compassion, and unwavering commitment to his calling began to break down my preconceived notions. Slowly but surely, I saw the man behind the title – a kind, loving, and passionate person.

Now, you might be wondering how someone like me, a psychedelic-assisted therapist, ended up married to a pastor. Well, that’s a blog post for another day. What matters today is reflecting on my husband’s ordination service and the incredible journey that brought us here.

My husband’s path to the pulpit wasn’t one he had aspired to either. Instead, it was an unexpected invitation that arrived at a time when he least expected it. About six years ago, he felt the calling to become a pastor through the invitation of pastor who was transitioning this world. Despite the uncertainties and challenges that came with it, he chose to answer that call and devote his life to serving others and spreading the message of faith and love.

I don’t often say this out loud, but my husband is not just an amazing pastor; he is an extraordinary man. One of the many reasons I fell in love with him, was his dedication and passion for his work. He works tirelessly to ensure his congregation is taken care of, but more importantly, he works hard to take care of his family.

Stepping into the role of a pastor’s wife hasn’t been easy. It comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. But I firmly believe that our paths crossed for a reason, uncoincidentally, orchestrated by a higher power. Despite our separate career paths, I am grateful for the man I married and the purpose that God has placed on his life.

This blog post is a celebration, a heartfelt congratulations to my husband for answering the call, for embracing his role as a pastor, and for sharing his faith and love with those around him. It’s a testament to the unexpected journeys life can take us on and the beautiful surprises that await when we open our hearts to them.

So here’s to my husband, to love, faith, and the extraordinary path we’ve chosen to walk together. Cheers to the unexpected and to embracing life’s surprises with open arms.

With gratitude,


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