Embracing Hope: My Continued Journey as a Black Woman in the Psychedelic Community
As a Black woman in the psychedelic community, my journey has been a constant questioning of my place and purpose. I’ve often asked myself, “Why am I here? And What purpose am I serving?” and have struggled with a sense of uncertainty about where I fit in.
Ancestral Resonance: Building Collective Power in Psychedelic Healing
Over the course of the recent weekend, I found myself immersed in a group discussion of insights, shared wisdom, and a profound sense of collective resonance.
Navigating My Own Somatic Therapy As a Therapist: Exploring Passion Amidst Challenges
As a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mental health consultant who recently completed a racial trauma training with a group of predominantly white social workers, I found myself in a somatic therapy session three days later reflecting on my experience.
Embracing Change: Navigating the Grief of Letting Go and Moving Forward
Grieving my identity as a psychotherapist has been unexpectedly heavy. It’s like saying goodbye to a dear friend, one who has been a constant companion throughout my career and personal life.